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Asia premiere

Once Upon… My Story!

Nominees and Awards

  • ★ 2023 FIVARS / Official Competition
  • ★ 2023 GIFFMX / Official Competition


Once Upon... My Story!presents charming, humorous and fantastic adventures that immerse us in the unbridled imagination of children. The film celebrates the wit, spontaneity and boundless imagination of young children. Everything is possible: frogs can fly, cookies grow on trees and one can sail a bunk bed like a ship. A real treat!





Francis Gélinas graduated from the N.A.D. center in video game design, from the Cégep de Maisonneuve in Multimedia Integration Techniques, and from Concordia University in Fine Arts with a major in animation cinema. He has been working in the animation and cinema field for over 16 years.


Cinema Auditorium Time Notes Tickets
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/12 Saturday 14:35
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/13 Sunday 15:20
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/14 Monday 16:50
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/15 Tuesday 16:05
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/16 Wednesday 13:00
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/16 Wednesday 17:35
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/17 Thursday 13:40
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/17 Thursday 18:15
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/18 Friday 14:35
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/19 Saturday 16:05
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/20 Sunday 17:35
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/21 Monday 15:20
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/22 Tuesday 16:50
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/23 Wednesday 14:35
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/24 Thursday 13:00
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/24 Thursday 17:35
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/25 Friday 15:20
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/26 Saturday 16:50
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/27 Sunday 13:40
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/27 Sunday 18:15