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Asia premiere

8 Billion Selves

Nominees and Awards

  • ★ 2024 IFFR
  • ★ 2024 B3 Festival


There are 8 billion people living on Earth now.

8 Billion Selves by Nemo Vos takes the scenic route across this planet.
In the shoes of an observing visitor, we travel through the world where 8 billion people are born, work, wage war, love, dance, create art, and die.

8 Billion Selves is not an ordinary film. It is Virtual Reality.
A medium for which a visual language has not yet been developed. It is a new poetry. What you see, what you experience, is something only you can experience like this. Only you. Among 8 billion others.





Tibor de Jong, pseudonym Nemo Vos, creates poetic VR dreamflights for adults. In hiswork, both the physical and visual aspects of VR are utilized to explore a new way ofstorytelling.
A recurring theme in his work is humanity, the human, us, in times of polarization and


Cinema Auditorium Time Notes Tickets
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/12 Saturday 16:50
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/13 Sunday 13:00
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/13 Sunday 17:35
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/14 Monday 14:30
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/15 Tuesday 13:45
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/15 Tuesday 18:20
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/16 Wednesday 15:15
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/17 Thursday 15:55
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/18 Friday 16:50
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/19 Saturday 13:45
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/19 Saturday 18:20
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/21 Monday 13:00
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/21 Monday 17:35
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/22 Tuesday 14:30
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/23 Wednesday 16:50
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/24 Thursday 15:15
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/25 Friday 13:00
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/25 Friday 17:35
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/26 Saturday 14:30
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/27 Sunday 15:55