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Asia premiere-Icon
Asia premiere


Nominees and Awards

  • ★ 2024 Venice Film Festival / Biennale College Cinema
  • ★ 2022 Venice Film Festival / Venice Production Bridge
  • ★ 2022 TAICCA Immersive Content Grant: selected


Can a living person dream of a ghost's dreams and assume ghosts can dream? This VR project reveals a forgotten Indochinese refugee camp in Asia and tells a story about a dream within another. The narrative is based on an unknown Vietnamese refugee camp in Penghu, Taiwan, and includes a dream about an unidentified female victim from the Khmer Rouge period.

Phuong, the protagonist, was a 13-year-old Vietnamese refugee born in Cambodia.

In those dreams, an unidentified Cambodian girl reveals the story of Phuong's family by asking, "HAVE YOU EVER BEEN THERE"? But what does she mean by "THERE"?




Asio LIU Chihsiung

Asio Chihsiung LIU is a DP/ director in his production company, MIMEO FILMS. His feature documentary EXOTIC EXOTICISM: PLANT WARS (2007) was officially screened in the 2009 Documentary Fortnight at MoMA (New York). His directorial debut, AND SHE WASN'T, was included in the 2001 Sundance Film Festival's Shorts Program.



TSOU Feng Ting

Feng-Ting TSOU obtained his MFA in animation and digital art from the University of Southern California (USC), where he joined the Paul Debevec research team. After graduating from USC, he worked as a project producer at Sony Online Entertainment.


Cinema Auditorium Time Notes Tickets
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/12 Saturday 13:00
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/12 Saturday 17:35
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/13 Sunday 13:45
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/13 Sunday 18:20
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/14 Monday 15:15
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/15 Tuesday 14:30
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/16 Wednesday 16:00
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/17 Thursday 16:40
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/18 Friday 13:00
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/18 Friday 17:35
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/19 Saturday 14:30
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/21 Monday 13:45
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/21 Monday 18:20
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/22 Tuesday 15:15
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/23 Wednesday 13:00
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/23 Wednesday 17:35
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/24 Thursday 16:00
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/25 Friday 13:45
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/25 Friday 18:20
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/26 Saturday 15:15
VR FILM LAB 360 Cinema 2024/10/27 Sunday 16:40