Fox and His Friends (Digital Restoration)
Nominees and Awards
Franz, an unemployed showman and hooker, wins the lottery. Antique dealer Max introduces him to a group of elegant homosexuals. He falls in love with Eugen, the son of an entrepreneur. The two move in together. Franz pays the rent of the extravagant apartment and Franz puts the quasi bankrupt firm of Eugen’s family back on an even keel. However, their class difference remains insurmountable. Eugen’s financial exploitation of Franz is continuous; the latter loses his share in the firm and finally even his apartment. The two split up. Eugen returns to his old lover. Franz commits suicide.

Rainer Werner FASSBINDER
Rainer Werner FASSBINDER was a German filmmaker, actor and playwright,. Born in 1945, he became a prominent figure of the New German Cinema movement at the age of 24 with his debut feature, Love Is Colder Than Death. He died from an overdose in 1982, leaving behind a filmography of over 40 feature films.