Nineteen Eighty-Four
Nominees and Awards
Winston Smith, who works at the Ministry of Truth, lives in a squalid one-room apartment in the capital city of Airstrip One in the totalitarian superstate of Oceania, his life dominated by fear. A giant two-way “telescreen” monitors his every move. All forms of pleasure, including sex, are illegal. There are thousands like Winston. Absolute conformity in action, word and thought, including total loyalty to Oceania’s leader, Big Brother, is demanded in return for a job. But Winston is not as ordinary as he appears. He does something unique in this totalitarian world: he keeps a diary, which becomes an obsession.

Michael RADFORD graduated from the English National Film School in 1974. After making several films for BBC Television, he wrote and directed his first feature, Another Time, Another Place, which featured at Directors’ Fortnight at the 1983 Cannes Film Festival, and won awards for Best Film, Best Actress and Best Actress at Taormina.