My Inner Ear Quartet
Nominees and Awards
- ★ 2023 Ottawa International Animation Festival
What lives in a lonely boy’s ear? And why a boy’s ear…? A lonely boy dug in the dirt every day and collected what he found in a cookie tin. In the boy’s notebook, he recorded the lonely voices of the objects he collected. Inside the boy’s ears live four musicians and two Venus’ Flower Basket Shrimps, who play and dance in response to his tears. He shook a cookie tin filled with found objects in return. In this way, the boy grew up. The boy grew up and became a salesman selling hearing aids and no longer picked up lonely voices or shed tears. One day, fascinated by a handmade bird brooch saw on the TV news that was found in a Japanese American internment camp, he set out on a journey to collect lonely voices again. What would he find there eventually?

Koji Yamamura was nominated for the 75th Academy Awards for "Mt. Head" (02) and won 6 Grand Prix including the Annecy Grand Prix. Received the Medal with Purple Ribbon. Professor at Tokyo University of the Arts.